- Joined
- Dec 12, 2014
- Messages
- 15
- Reaction score
- 3
Key Features
- Fast transfers of images, games, videos, documents and even apps.
- No cellular connection required and unlimited data usage that means transfer as much as you want.
- Transfer file between Android to Android, Android to iOS devices.
- Transfer to multiple device at a time.
Share pictures, movie, games, videos, apps and files.
“Slide to transfer” is an interesting features that allows users to transfer images from one phone to another by sliding the pictures away.
“Phone replicate” helps to completely transfer all the data from one phone to other in one touch. Finally an easy way to swap phones!
Transfer files to multiple devices at the same time
“Phone replicate” helps to completely transfer all the data from one phone to other in one touch. Finally an easy way to swap phones!
Transfer files to multiple devices at the same time
Experience it! Download it! Enjoy it!
Google Play Store
App Store