Reliance Communications (RCOM) on Friday launched a 'Joy of Holi' offer in which it will provide its 4G customers with 1GB of data access for Rs. 49 and 3GB for Rs. 149, along with free and unlimited on-net local and STD calls, valid for 28 days, a company statement said here.
It also introduced a competitive 3G offer of unlimited data access at Rs. 99, while unlimited 2G data access will be available for Rs. 49.
"Regardless of the type of smartphone or feature phone being used, customers will get best-in-class data and voice services without any additional recharge or membership-across 4G, 3G and 2G," the statement said.
"At RCOM, we have been overwhelmed by the response that our Unlimited Plan received last year - a validation of our efforts to constantly enhance customer experience and delight. We now take a new leap with additional benefits being offered to our 4G customers, with the 'Joy of Holi' offer," said Gurdeep Singh, Co-CEO, Reliance Communications, and Chief Executive Officer of RCOM's Consumer Business.
It also introduced a competitive 3G offer of unlimited data access at Rs. 99, while unlimited 2G data access will be available for Rs. 49.
"Regardless of the type of smartphone or feature phone being used, customers will get best-in-class data and voice services without any additional recharge or membership-across 4G, 3G and 2G," the statement said.
"At RCOM, we have been overwhelmed by the response that our Unlimited Plan received last year - a validation of our efforts to constantly enhance customer experience and delight. We now take a new leap with additional benefits being offered to our 4G customers, with the 'Joy of Holi' offer," said Gurdeep Singh, Co-CEO, Reliance Communications, and Chief Executive Officer of RCOM's Consumer Business.