How to earn daily 10rs
1.download app here
My refer code 8107106777 and registered
2.open apps now show you no data found click back button go to apps home
3. Some ads fake show U fake ads below
4. Wait sometime
5. because original ads show sometimes
6. Now show you original ads below
7.original ads show up and down
8.now click original ads .
It will open in browser or play sltore
and wait 1-2 minutes
9.Now open apps and click refresh arrow
10. Repeat step five time
11. 2rs earn one ads
12. Daily ads limit 5 ads and earn 10rs daily
Recharge only registered number
Note :
App is not fake . If you face any problem then reply here or whatsapp me ( 8107106777)

How to earn daily 10rs
1.download app here
My refer code 8107106777 and registered
2.open apps now show you no data found click back button go to apps home

3. Some ads fake show U fake ads below

4. Wait sometime
5. because original ads show sometimes
6. Now show you original ads below

7.original ads show up and down
8.now click original ads .
It will open in browser or play sltore
and wait 1-2 minutes
9.Now open apps and click refresh arrow

10. Repeat step five time
11. 2rs earn one ads
12. Daily ads limit 5 ads and earn 10rs daily
Recharge only registered number
Note :
App is not fake . If you face any problem then reply here or whatsapp me ( 8107106777)